Tattoo Styles

7 Golden Fashion Rules All Men Should Follow


What is the first thing you notice about someone when you see them for the first time? You don’t know them, so their dressing sense is a key factor that plays an important role in developing an impression in your mind.

When it comes to dressing up, there are some rules that men and women must follow by heart. Of course, the kind of fashion one chooses to adopt depends solely on their preferences, likes, and dislikes.

Fashion is a personal choice. But there are some evergreen fashion rules that everyone should adapt to. And since we are discussing men’s fashion in this article, we’ll highlight some of the golden fashion rules that all men must adhere to.

Unique Fashion Rules Men Must Follow

When discussing fashion rules, we aren’t referring to some strict manual you must follow. These simple dos and don’ts will help you make a long-term impression on the people you meet daily.

It is all about how you carry yourself and some basics you must remember while experimenting with your looks. So let’s discuss the golden fashion rules for men without further ado.

1. Importance of the Right Fit

The most important aspect of dressing up is that the shirt or pants you’re wearing fit you accurately. For instance, if you wear a formal suit with loose fitting, you will probably end up in a disaster.

It will look very messy and not dapper at all. The right fit and perfect size are vital to helping you carry yourself in the best possible way. To do that, you must always get the right size for your formal outfits to look sleek and sophisticated.

2. Dress for the Occasion

How would you feel if someone walked into a formal soiree or a black-tie event dressed up in jeans and a hoodie? They will look out of place, right?

So, another golden rule is that you must always keep in mind the occasion you’re going to. If you’re going to a formal affair or dinner, you must dress in a formal suit to make yourself look more presentable and fit right in.

But if you’re going for casual lunch with your colleagues or friends, a casual tee or a hoodie paired with jeans and sneakers will do just fine.

3. Don’t Forget to Try Out New Colors

Whether purchasing casual or formal outfits, trying out different colors can never go wrong. The color pallet is a bit limited regarding men’s wear. Not many people are more into trying out bright and vibrant colors when buying clothes for themselves.

However, wearing neutrals or light colors can be safe but will take experimenting away from your fashion sense. Sometimes, colors like mustard, green, and even pink and yellow can look stunning.

So look at the trendy men’s trousers online and choose the color that fits your preference. You will surely rock the look.

If you’re still afraid of colors, then you should see how Chuck Bass used to dress in Gossip Girl and how effortless his looks were. He offered timeless fashion trends for men; you can take some inspiration.

4. Invest in Timeless Watches

Most men have some sort of craze where wristwatches are concerned. However, buying every watch that you lay your eyes on won’t do any good to your fashion statement.

But timeless pieces will! When purchasing one, consider the watch’s aesthetics, functionality, ruggedness, and quality.

Plenty of timeless watches are available; you just need the eye to find one that will look impeccable on your wrist and complement your outfit.

5. Know Your Aesthetics

We have said to experiment with your looks and attire, but that also doesn’t mean you should try every fashion trend that’s making headway.

Nobody knows better than what outfit or color suits you and what doesn’t. You also need to feel comfortable wearing every outfit when you step out of the house. Any time you feel like this fashion trend isn’t for you, don’t try it out.

You don’t have to flaunt anything that makes you uncomfortable and not your style just because others may want you to. Know your aesthetics and remember this while you’re shopping or dressing up.

6. Always Focus on Your Grooming

You will never be able to carry yourself with grace if you step out of the house when your hair is messy, your beard isn’t maintained, or your nails aren’t trimmed.

These may seem like petty things, but they significantly impact your appearance. So, ensure that you keep yourself groomed and never take it lightly. Going to the salon to groom yourself every few weeks is always a good idea. Take out some time and focus on yourself.

7. Invest in Good Shoes

Lastly, since discussing fashion, how can we even forget the importance of impeccable shoes?
Did you know the first thing people notice when they meet you are your shoes? So, to make the perfect first impression, you must not take your shoes lightly.

Some shoes, such as sneakers, loafers, or moccasins, never go out of style. Invest in high-quality and impeccable footwear, so every time you wear a new outfit, you never have to worry about which shoes you should wear.

Moccasins look excellent even with suits, but you can also invest in formal shoes to make a statement. Again, it depends on your preference but don’t forget to purchase a few pairs that will never go out of style.

Final Thoughts

So, these are some of the most important rules to follow when men are dressing up. You must remember that regardless of what you wear, you must carry it gracefully and comfortably.

Don’t opt for something that makes you feel uncomfortable and less than yourself. We hope this blog has given you some much-needed insight. Follow the directions and be ready to rule the fashion world.

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